
It’s excellent to see that you’re interested in obtaining or upgrading your amateur radio license. There are many ways to make it possible

Online Method

There are many online sources to help you study for the examination. The PVVET suggests the following websites – is an excellent website for those wishing to obtain and/or upgrade their license. PVVET’s suggested choice when it comes to online studying .(FREE)


There are many books available to those trying to take the exams. The PVVET would suggest the American Radio Relay League’s (ARRL) books and manuals on licensing. They are in-depth and offers everything you need to not only pass the exam, but to fully understand how amateur radio works. ($30-$33)

KB6NU’s Study Guides – Dave offers a “No-Nonsense” approach to studying for your exam. He offers a basic understanding of the material that will be on the exam.  It’s not just questions and answers. Dave offers anyone who is trying for their entry level technicians license a free PDF. (FREE-$15)

Area Instructors

There are many clubs within the pioneer valley. Some of them offer amateur radio classes for the entry level technicians and may offer classes/study groups for general and extra class license. Please check out our clubs page for more information. The PVVET is aware that Hampden County Radio Association (HCRA) and Franklin County Amateur Radio Club (FCARC) offer some type of amateur radio course during the year

When should I take the exam?

We suggest that you take many practice examinations using When you are constantly averaging 80% or higher, it’s suggested that you look for an examination and keep practicing until the exam date. If you just missed a PVVET examination, don’t worry. There are many other examination sessions being held in the area by other teams. Examination fees may apply when using other VEC and/or VE teams.

You can search for examinations on the following sites

Laurel VEC examination dates and locations
ARRL find an examination Examination Sessions
W5YI examinations