PVVET Exam At MTARA Hamfest (March 1st, 2025)

he Pioneer Valley VE Team (PVVET) will be hosting a free* examination on Saturday, March 2nd at the Castle Of Knights in Chicopee MA during the Mt. Tom Amateur Repeater Association’s (MTARA) hamfest.


* Even though the administration of the PVVET exams are free, the FCC has implemented an application FEE that must be paid to the FCC directly. The PVVET or any other amateur radio examination team can not and will not accept funds for the FCC application fee. This only applies to those who are getting a NEW license, renewals, vanity applications and rule-waiver applications . Upgrades are completely free with PVVET!

PVVET Exam At MTARA Hamfest (March 2nd, 2024)

The Pioneer Valley VE Team (PVVET) will be hosting a free* examination on Saturday, March 2nd at the Castle Of Knights in Chicopee MA during the Mt. Tom Amateur Repeater Association’s (MTARA) hamfest.


* Even though the administration of the PVVET exams are free, the FCC has implemented an application FEE that must be paid to the FCC directly. The PVVET or any other amateur radio examination team can not and will not accept funds for the FCC application fee. This only applies to those who are getting a NEW license, renewals, vanity applications and rule-waiver applications . Upgrades are completely free with PVVET!

PVVET Exam on March 4th, 2023 – Chicopee MA

The Pioneer Valley VE Team (PVVET) will be hosting a free* examination on Saturday, March 4th at the Castle Of Knights in Chicopee MA during the Mt. Tom Amateur Repeater Association’s (MTARA) hamfest.

The PVVET requires all those wishing to take the exam to register prior to attending.


* Even though the administration of the PVVET exams are free, the FCC has implemented an application FEE that must be paid to the FCC directly. The PVVET or any other amateur radio examination team can not and will not accept funds for the FCC application fee. This only applies to those who are getting a NEW license, renewals, vanity applications and rule-waiver applications . Upgrades are completely free with PVVET!

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year. The Pioneer Valley VE Team is finally back on track as our venues have relaxed some of their rules which allows us to host examinations.

We’re still in the process of confirming dates with the venue and will keep everyone updated. This is great news as regular VE exams are returning to the Pioneer Valley.

The Mount Tom Amateur Repeater Association has reached out to us to provide an examination for their hamfest (amateur radio flea market). Usually takes place the first Saturday of March. When things are finalized, we’ll be sure to let everyone know.

Start Studying!

Next Exam: April 14th @ 6pm Greenfield MA

The FCC has announced that the $35 application fee will go into effect on April 19th 2022. The Pioneer Valley VE Team (PVVET) is hosting an exam prior to the 19th to allow anyone wishing to obtain (or upgrade) their FCC amateur radio a change to obtain a free one before the fee is implemented.

Our next exam will be on Thursday, April 14th at the John W. Olver Transit Center located in Greenfield Massachusetts (Franklin County). Exam will start around 6pm.



When: April 14th
Where: John W. Olver transit center
Address: 12 Oliver St. Greenfield MA 01301
Exam Start: Around 6pm

Next Exam: March 9th 2022 @ Great Barrington FD

The next Laurel/Pioneer Valley VE Team (pvvet) exam will be held at the Great Barrington MA Fire Department located at 37 State Road in Great Barrington MA. Exam will start at 6:00pm

All candidates must pre-register! The registration process will include obtaining a FCC Registration Number (FRN). For this reason will we not be able to accept anyone who hasn’t pre-registered.


Next Exam: March 5th, 2022 @ MTARA Hamfest

The Mount Tom Amateur Repeater Association (MTARA) is scheduled to host it’s hamfest on Saturday March 5th 2022 at the Castle Of Knights in Chicopee Massachusetts. They have asked the PVVET to host an examination.

When: Saturday March 5th, 2022
Where: Castle Of Knights, 1599 Memorial Dr. Chicopee MA
Exam Start: 10:30am

There should be no admittance fees if you are ONLY taking the exam. Exam and/or even cancellation may happen. If so the PVVET will reach out VIA e-mail.

Candidates must wear mask and follow COVID guidelines/protocols

For the safety of our examiners and other candidates, we require masks to be warn properly and to follow any other guidelines set by the venue, city and state.

Candidates Must Register Prior To The Exam

Due to recent changes with the FCC, We will not be able to accept people who have not pre-registered unless they currently have a FCC Amateur Radio license (upgrade) or have a FCC Registration Number (FRN).

We do request that anyone wishing to take an exam at this session register prior going to the exam. This will speed up the process and your exam.


PVVET And FCC Updates

At this moment in time, exams hosted by the Pioneer Valley VE Team (PVVET) are still on hold. Due to the COVID-19 situation, the venues we normally use have placed restrictions to where we can not host an exam. We are keeping our eyes and ears open for any venues that will allow us and abide by any safety guidelines.

We are eager to bring back exams here in the Valley. The moment we secure a Venue that is safe for all, we will be making announcements.

FCC Is Imposing Fees

The FCC will be requiring a $35 application fee in the future. This applies to anyone obtaining a license, upgrading their license, renewing their license and to those who are applying for a vanity callsign. Admin actions such as address, e-mail or name changes will remain free.

This is independent from the VECs (Volunteer Exam Coordinator). The PVVET or any other VEC or VE (Volunteer Examiner) team will NOT be accepting FCC application fees at exams. This is done electronically through the FCC. The applicant will be responsible for paying the fee. At the time of writing, the FCC hasn’t implemented the fees… yet!

Please note that the PVVET and Laurel VEC do not charge for examinations. However, other VECs (ARRL, W5YI) still charge for the administration of the exam which is separate from any FCC fees. Budget accordingly!

FCC Requiring Valid E-mail Address.

The FCC will be requiring a valid e-mail address for candidates taking a new exam or for any application or admin update (renewal, vanity, name change, address change).

For new candidates, this will be done when obtaining a FCC Registration Number (FRN) through their ULS/CORES system.

For renewals, upgrades and vanity apps, the candidate/applicant will have to log into the FCC’s ULS and update their records prior to submitting an application. If you have a FRN but never logged into the ULS, you’ll have to do a password reset.

If you do not provide a valid e-mail address, your application could be dismissed and any licenses could be canceled. Careful!

This will be implemented in late June of 2021

FCC Will No Longer Be Accepting Social Security Numbers On Form 605

The FCC will be no longer be accepting Social Security Numbers (SSN) on the NCVEC 605 Form (AKA “NCVEC QUICK-FORM 605”) that is normally used with ALL amateur radio examinations.

This has been PVVET policy since our team was founded. We’ve always required candidates to obtain a FRN prior to the exam. However this will eventually be applied to ALL VE teams regardless of the VEC (ARRL, W5YI, Etc). Laurel VEC has implemented this policy starting January 1st, 2021 for ALL Laurel VE teams. Others VECs may have not implemented it yet.

You will still have to provide the FCC with a valid SSN but it will be done through their website.

What Does This All Mean?

The FCC is changing over to a paperless and fully electronic system. All correspondence from the FCC will be sent electronically. They will no longer accept mailed in applications. This also requires ALL candidates, no matter where or who they are taking an exam with to obtain a FCC Registration Number (FRN) prior to the exam as the VE team will need that number.

The FCC will be implementing a $35 application fee that will have to be paid online through the FCC’s website. This fee is because of the RAY-BAUM Act (Repack Airways Yielding Better Access for Users of Modern services) enacted by congress in 2018. It was originally a $50 fee but due to outcry from the amateur radio community, they’ve lowered the fee to $35

This can be difficult for certain people that don’t have access or have limited access to a computer and/or e-mail. Also difficult for people that do not have a credit/debit card. There isn’t much the PVVET can do. We will try our best to help you.

What Will Change With PVVET Examinations?

At this point in time, nothing much. However, that can change as things are updated and implemented. Here is what will most likely happen with PVVET related exams.

The exam registration process will be the same except the candidate will most likely have to confirm their e-mail address with the FCC.

The examination itself and the grading process will not change.

Passing candidates will be instructed what to do after the examination with a handout. It’s the responsibility of the candidate to pay the application fee AFTER the exam has been submitted to the FCC .

The PVVET will no longer be able to e-mail candidates directly when their license is issued/updated. They should be receiving an e-mail from the FCC when a license is issued/updated. This depends on variables such as payment received and felon status.

How Can I Take An Exam?

Even though we’re not hosting any exams at this moment in time, there are other ways you can take an exam. We suggest that you take an exam before the FCC implements any fees

Check with the ARRL’s “Find an Exam” page and see if there is a in-person exam being hosted near you. It’s strongly suggested to contact the liaison to confirm they are hosting exams prior to attending.

You can take examinations online! In 2014 the FCC authorized VECs to host examinations remotely. Originally it was meant for hosting exams in remote areas like Alaska but has been adapted for the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are many VECs and VE teams hosting examinations online. There are requirements and they will differ depending on who is administering the examination. Usually it’s a copy of ZOOM software, decent internet connection (to support video streaming and web access), web browser, photo ID, per-registration and electronic payment. Some teams/VECs require an additional camera (smart/cell phone).

If you are interested in taking a remote exam, we suggest you head over Hamstudy.org’s online session page and find a session that suites your needs. You’ll see if the session is full or if there is available seats as they are limited. We STRONGLY suggest that you thoroughly read the guidelines/rules that pertain to that particular exam as they will be different from other teams!

Once the PVVET is able to secure a venue and resume in-person examinations, we will be making announcements on all our social media accounts including this website. We do look forward to helping those obtain and/or upgrade their FCC amateur radio license.

Thanks for reading,
Jeff (NT1K)
Pioneer Valley VE Team

All In Person Examinations Are Still On Hold

The Pioneer Valley VE Team has not hosted any examinations since early March or 2020. The PVVET normally depends on the kindness of local municipalities, schools, libraries, and hospitals to provide us the space needed to host examinations. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, these venues have placed restrictions not allowing us to host examinations. The PVVET fully supports their decisions and have halted In-Person examinations.

Until the restrictions have lifted or the PVVET can secure an alternate venue while still complying with local, state and federal regulations, the PVVET recommends online remote examinations (fees will apply and have no association with the PVVET).

We suggest that when you are ready and certain that you’ll pass the examination(s) that you head over to hamstudy.org’s sessions page and find an online (remote) exam with available slots.

Each VE team and each VEC has their own unique set of rules and guidelines when it comes to remote exams. Please make sure to read and understand their instructions.

We hope to be hosting in-person exams in the pioneer valley again.
Thank you for reading!

Jeffrey Bail (NT1K)
Pioneer Valley VE Team

PVVET examination on March 22nd postponed

Due to concerns over the COVID-19 infection, The Holyoke Medical Center (our venue where the HCRA Course and PVVET exam is taking place) is restricting access to the hospital facilities of all non-essential personnel such as vendors, outside contractors, students and volunteers until further notice.

Due to the restriction, the Pioneer Valley VE Team is postponing the examination. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we will inform you when the next examination is scheduled. At this point it’s out of our control and we respect the decision that was made.

Please keep the FCC registration number (FRN) you’ve obtained during registration. This number can be used in lieu of your Social Security Number (SSN) on any Laurel/PVVET or ARRL examination. The PVVET will carry over all pre-registrations to the next exam so there will be no requirement to register again.

Thank you for your understanding.