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How can the exams be free?

The PVVET is accredited by the Laurel Volunteer Exam Coordinator. Since 1984, Laurel VEC has proudly been offering free exams.

The PVVET is comprised of amateur operators who volunteer their time to help support amateur radio in the community. The operating costs are funded by the volunteers that are within the team. The PVVET does not and will not accept monetary donations.

Please note that VEC fees are different from any FCCs set by the FCC. The Pioneer Valley VE Team will still offer free exams. However, if a candidate is obtaining a new license, FCC application fees will apply. Upgrades (Tech to General, General to Extra, Tech to Extra) are still free with PVVET/Laurel VEC!

Other VECs may charge their candidates a fee which varies depending on the VEC. Funds are used by the VEC to cover processing, printing and mailing of examinations and other materials.

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