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How much do exams costs?

Amateur Radio license exams with the Pioneer Valley VE Team (PVVET) and Laurel VEC are FREE!!! We do not charge and we will never solicit any money from candidates.

As of April 19th, 2022, the FCC will be implementing a “application fee” of $35USD. This application fee applies to anyone obtaining a new license as well as those who are renewing their license and for those applying for a vanity callsign. This is a separate fee.

The FCC will not charge an application fee for those who are upgrading (tech to general, general to extra, tech to extra) and they will not charge for administrative updates like address and/or name changes.

VE Teams will NOT be collecting any FCC application fees! Passing candidates that are obtaining a new license will be given a handout with instructions. Candidates have 10 days to pay the FCC from the exam date.

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