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I am a VE, I would like to help out.

Thank you for your interest.

The PVVET operates under the Laurel VEC.  Volunteer Examiners (VEs) must be accredited with Laurel VEC in order participate in PVVET sponsored exams. The PVVET can not accept accredited VEs from other VECs such as ARRL, W5YI and others.

The Laurel accreditation process is different compared to other VECs. Laurel VEC does not accept VE applications directly. VEs are added by the team leaders and will be reviewed by Laurel before being accepted.

For more information, please visit the Laurel VEC’s website.

At this point in time, the PVVET has enough VE’s but if you are still interested, please contact us and we’ll keep you in mind if we need more.

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