Yes. There are various groups in the area that also provide amateur radio examinations that are not related to the PVVET and/or Laurel VEC. So you if you are ready to take an exam, please visit the other sources. Please note that fees will most likely apply with other VEC’s and groups.
Laurel VEC web page – You can find other Laurel sponsored examinations using their website.
ARRL’s “Find an Exam” web page – A lot of people will advertise their examinations through the American Radio Relay League. They currently have the largest group of volunteers.
W5YI exam search – Another VEC that operates in the area (Mostly Northern CT/ Eastern MA)
Other than being volunteers for the Laurel VEC, the PVVET is not associated or sponsored by any club of any kind. We’re an independent group of hams dedicated to providing free examinations here in the pioneer valley.
We also help find area clubs for candidates depending on their home location. Many of the VE’s within the team may belong to various clubs, other VECs or other VE teams. It’s all about helping!
A VE is known as a Volunteer Examiner.
A VE is responsible for administering or helping with the administration of examinations. The includes checking in the candidates, answering any questions, issuing exams, grading exams and to ensure that paperwork related to the examination and candidate is properly filled out.
Each examination session will have an appointed “Team Leader” Or “Liaison”. They are responsible for securing a venue, setting up the examination, ensure the paperwork is in order and submitting the paperwork.
All VE’s and VE teams must be accredited by a Volunteer Exam Coordinator (VEC). The VEC is responsible for the VE teams and they will act as Liaison between the team and the FCC. There are currently 14 VECs in the US. The PVVET and its VEs are accredited by the Laurel VEC.
VE’s within the PVVET are added by the team leader. VE’s that volunteer with PVVET may also be involved with other VE teams and their respective VEC.
The PVVET is a fairly new group. At this time we are limiting ourselves to 4 examinations a year. If we see large turnouts, we’ll consider monthly examinations depending on venue availability.
The PVVET is not associated with the ARRL. Our examinations are not handled by the ARRL VEC in any way. Our examinations and examiners are accredited by Laurel VEC. This allows us to offer free testing* and electronic submission.
PVVET may make candidates aware of the ARRL and their membership options. Many of our VEs/Volunteers help out with other VECs and their teams and examinations. It’s all about promoting amateur radio and getting people licensed!
*Exam administration is FREE with Laurel VEC/PVVET. However, FCC application fees may apply if you are getting a new license. Those who are already licensed and are upgrading, it’s still completely free with PVVET/Laurel. VE Teams CAN NOT accept FCC application fees at exams. This must be done online.
With the exceptions of the events listed on this website… No.
The PVVET is not associated or sponsored by any club or group other than itself. Most, if not all the VEs that make up the PVVET also help other teams and their VECs in the area administer examinations in the area.
There may be fees associated with other examinations in the area. FCC application fees for those obtaining a new license or renewing apply.
The PVVET does not accept donations or sponsorship of any kind. We’re an independent team and wish to remain so.
If you insist, we ask that you become active in area amateur radio clubs instead. They need your support in more ways other than financially. Please volunteer your time to help support amateur radio in the area! Get on the air, be active!
VEs have to be accredited and sponsored by a VEC (Volunteer Exam Coordinator). There are currently 14 VECs operating in the US. Each VEC has their own unique set of policies and guidelines that might differ from other VECs.
Most (if not all) of the VECs are part of the NCVEC (National Conference of Volunteer Exam Coordinators). They are responsible for producing and maintaining the questions and answers to amateur radio examinations. That’s why the test questions are the same throughout different VECs. The NCVEC also helps solve any issues that might come up between the FCC and VECs. The NCVEC, VECs, VE Teams and VEs all have to follow the rules set by the FCC.
Currently the largest VEC operating in the US is the ARRL VEC. They are responsible for approximately 70% of the examinations administered. The PVVET is accredited by the Laurel VEC. Even though the exam questions/answers are the same, the registration process, grading and submission process is different.
What applies to PVVET sponsored examinations will be different from other area VE Teams and their respective VECs.
If you’re a representative of an area club, maker space, hacker space, robotics team, radio controller club, electronics club or an amateur radio instructor or School Instructor and would like to hold an examination for your group/class, we would like to help you.
The PVVET requires at least a one month notice to prepare VE’s and possibly promote examinations if the public is allowed. If the PVVET can not require the needed amount of examiners for the planned date, it will have to be moved.
Thank you for your interest.
The PVVET operates under the Laurel VEC. Volunteer Examiners (VEs) must be accredited with Laurel VEC in order participate in PVVET sponsored exams. The PVVET can not accept accredited VEs from other VECs such as ARRL, W5YI and others.
The Laurel accreditation process is different compared to other VECs. Laurel VEC does not accept VE applications directly. VEs are added by the team leaders and will be reviewed by Laurel before being accepted.
For more information, please visit the Laurel VEC’s website.
At this point in time, the PVVET has enough VE’s but if you are still interested, please contact us and we’ll keep you in mind if we need more.